Friday, January 25, 2008

I won fabric!

So, one of the things I love about blogging is just seeing what other people are doing. A great way to do that is to check out what's listed on flickr. When I first started doing the whole flickr thing, I set Starlit Nest as one of my favorites. She has an etsy shop where she sells lovely fabric sets as well as yardage. Anyway, she just had a giveaway and I won! Wow am I ever so excited. Can there be anything better than free fabric? Of course, the answer is no (well, maybe free chocolate ha ha)

Anyway, you should check out her listings and flickr in general. I love to join groups and see what other people are doing with their creative energy. I even found a group that just posts pics of pink Christmas stuff. Now really, how cool is that?

Monday, January 21, 2008

Moleskin notebook

Moleskin notebook, originally uploaded by stitchingpink.

This was such a fast project. I got the idea from Last-Minute Patchwork and Quilted Gifts. You can buy the little notebooks at Barnes and Noble. The "pattern" suggests using glue on the inside cover to hold the stitches but I've been thinking that "No-Fray" could work just as well. Maybe I'll pick some up at the shop this weekend.

I also finished my Amy Butler Betty Shopper. I'll post a pic of that this week. What and easy and fun bag that was to make!

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Soft blocks from charm squares

I made these for my friend's one year old. They're so soft and squishy. Perfect for mouthing and throwing and squashing. Really easy to make out of precut charm squares (from my stash) or just cut 5" squares. Sew 4 together and combine in a circle, leaving seam open about 2 inches for turning. Then add side squares, turn , push out corners, stuff, blindstich opening closed (I do it by machine since little people can get most openings open) and that's it! Quick, easy and great results!