Tuesday, November 03, 2009

American Girl Sewing

Chrissa's Maxi Dress, originally uploaded by stitchingpink.

Lucy got this doll for her birthday last month and since then she has been busy making clothing requests. I made this maxi dress inspired by the one in Weekend Sewing. Lucy and I have the same one. I also made a nightgown and another summer outfit using Kaffe Fasset/Brandon Mably fabrics (below). I have to admit that it is quite fun to sew for a doll and my serger makes it sooo easy!

Chrissa and Kaffe Fasset!

I took Lucy to the shop to pick out fabric for coordinating outfits and she wasy so funny about it. She new exactly which fabrics she wanted and she also had strong opinions about how much we needed. In the queue are the following: coordinating Holiday Pajamas, sundresses and another skirt.

Oh, and did you know that this doll, Chrissa, is a crafty girl? She even has a sewing table and machine. So of course, I had to get that for Lucy. Lucy already decorated it with stickers from craft pudding like the ones I have on my machine.

Girls are just awesome.

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