Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Stitch it Good Tuesday Topics


Well Hello!

Today we listened to the sounds of the Theremin as played by Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman.  The music has been re-released over the years and is available over on Discogs.  You can learn more about the Theremin here and here

It's a weird time to be living.  How are you doing?  What are you creating?  I made a Kit Supply Tote by Aneela Hoey using the new Heather Ross Malibu linen/canvas fabric.  Channeling my stress into creating is positive coping mechanism for me.

One of my other favorite coping mechanisms is to read lovely magazines.  The magazines highlighted on today's show include Breathe, Simple Things, and Flow.  All are available at Barnes and Noble and also available online as digital downloads though in my opinion, nothing can compete with the feel of real paper.  An article in Breathe discussed the joy of sharing soup with friends.  I whole-heartedly agree!  Though we can't do that in-person these days, how about sharing a recipe and making together over Zoom?  Or creating a text chain to share your favorite recipes?  When the Pandemic is over consider organizing a soup-making party where everyone brings an ingredient for soup: veggies, herbs, legumes, grains. maybe one vegetarian and one for meat-eaters?   It's good to remember that there will be a time when we can again eat together.  

During the show, in the listener lounge, Janet shared her grandmother's recipe for potato soup: 

Asked my grandmother once for her Potato Soup recipe - here is what she put on a 3 x 5 index card: Slice potatoes thin - celery, onions. Barely cover with water and cook till done. Add milk - butter - salt - pepper. Best potato soup ever.

I recently made a delicious carrot/ginger soup using this recipe.  

Vogue Knitting Live is continuing to offer its Virtual weekend workshops.  You can check out the class and lecture offerings here.  I'm planning to attend the marketplace so I can listen to the conversation with Norah Gaughan, the editor of the new Vogue Knitting Magazine.    

The company Katrinkles makes delightful fiber-related notions and tools.  I'm particularly intrigued by the Darning and Mending bundle!  Anyone can do visible mending and now, during the Pandemic, is the perfect time to learn.   

Being at home has provided me the opportunity to spend (a lot of) time with my yarn and fabric.  There's a huge push in our culture to part with "stuff."  But sometimes, in this moment of incredible stress and anxiety, having craft stash can be comforting.  My recent stash addition is Rowan Felted Tweed with colors by Kaffe Fassett.  Not sure what exactly I'm planning to knit with these lovelies but choosing the colors and thinking about a new project is keeping me distracted.  

Recently a knitter posted a pic of the sweater she knit for her granddaughter using her granddaughter's drawing as inspiration!  It's beyond adorable.  The project reminds me of the embroidery Karl Hendricks' mother did of his daughters' drawings.  Anyone can do this!  Here's a tutorial I found.  Have fun.

And last but certainly not least, there's a new "All Creatures Great and Small" series following the adventures of veterinarian James Herron based on his delightful real-life stories.  I watched this series as a child and am excited to revisit Yorkshire filled with farm animals, fairisle sweaters and lovely young people making their way in the world before WW II.  Check your local PBS listings.  And I'm quite sure that in the coming weeks we will see knitting patterns from and inspired by the series.

That's all this week.  Be sure to visit this link to check out the music playlist  Be kind to yourselves.


Happy Stitching!

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